Friday, November 26, 2010


In my last year of college, I was part of a fantastic small group. We did fun projects and shared life together. One of those nights was spent going through magazines and making collages. Here is one that I made:

If you can't see it, the quote in the middle says: 
"It's not necessarily the peak -- it's the approach to the peak. There's greatness still to come."

I am on a journey and I love that God has placed a friend in my life who is on a similar journey.
Meet Jeni P.

Jeni and I met at Deeper Life in 2007. We were both rookie faculty that year. Now we look forward to every summer when we can reconnect. Thanks to Skype, we've actually done a better job of keeping in touch this year! 

Jeni is teaching English in Thailand right now. She's testing out the waters in becoming a long-term missionary. It is amazing to me that while I am experiencing life in Italy checking out mission work, Jeni is doing the same in Thailand. It encourages my heart to read her updates on her blog and I couldn't have worded my own feelings about God's timing and preparation than this. As I stop to think about the God moments along my life journey of where I am now, I am amazed. 

I would like to come back to Italy to teach English for a bit. The relationships I have made, the people I have met, the interactions... they are all so very valuable to me. God has made the Italians a unique, beautiful people. I want to be here to share Jesus' love with them. These are my thoughts right now as I have less than two weeks left in Italy. 

I am looking forward to coming back to America, but I hope to be back in Italy sooner rather than later... 

1 comment:

  1. I just finished catching up on Jeni's blog. Now I'm doing the same with yours. In my personal opinion the DL rookie class of 07 was the best ever!!!
