Using my time wisely to visit different ministries:
Rome: visiting a church plant. Oct 29-31
Sicily: visiting a family that could use another person there to teach English. Oct 31- Nov 5
Verona: visiting a church plant. Nov 5-8
Three very different places and different ministries.
Please pray that God will make it extremely clear whether or not it would be good to join any of these missions.
Guarding my heart well
I have made a few new friends. This time has not been without its bouts of loneliness, but God is faithful to provide what I need when I need it.
Keep growing spiritually
Thank God for technology. Right now I'm listening to NewSpring's Man Vs. Wife series and NorthPointe's Game Plan series. I'm also loving my reading through the Bible plan because right now I'm in the Gospels and reading all four Gospels together... It's insightful to see the details given/left out by each of the four books.
Again, technology. Skype has been my friend, although to me it's comparable to a cell phone in America, so I'm not on all that much... Through facebook I've been able to stay in touch with many of my friends. I always love hearing from people... My MCC family has been great in keeping in touch. I miss them a lot... Other than people, I miss Taco Bell, ranch dressing, free wifi anywhere (doesn't really matter because we have it at home but it's rare to find wifi here), Panera.
I'm going to add a few prayer request:
Safe travels and that I don't get lost. Anyone who knows me well knows that I can get lost like no other. It always leads to other adventures, such as my time in Mossa. I have no idea how that happens. I know how to read maps. I go by landmarks rather than street names (good luck finding street signs in Italy... I don't know what most streets and piazzas are called).
Contentment. I am always missing SOMEONE wherever I am. I am trying hard not to think too much about December. I am going back to America without a job or a plan. God has always provided what I need. Like I've said before, I'm a planner and I think God likes to keep me on my toes.
This picture is on the wall at church:
Matthew 11.28: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
I'm beginning to think that this time in Italy is not meant JUST for seeing about future ministry opportunities. This is a Sabbath. It just happens to be 3 months. I can sleep in, I've rediscovered beautiful things to take pictures of, I can travel to see friends. These are life-breathing activities for me.
*sigh* I'm halfway through my adventures in Italy. I'm praying I make the most of the time I have left here.