For the past three years I have listened to them.
I was blown away by the "Beautiful" series. It is hands-down the best series I've ever heard. Ever.
Last year they did "Don't Get Married Until..."
Last Sunday they started their new series, "Man Vs. Wife".
I look forward to this every year because marriages are a huge part of life and divorce is sadly becoming more common.
Check it out if you want. Here's a snippet of what he said to singles (because these series aren't just aimed at married people!).
Based on Philippians 2.1-5:
SINGLES GIRLS: You cannot be like-minded if you love Jesus and you’re dating a guy who does not love Jesus. You cannot have the same love if you love Jesus and he does not. You cannot be one in spirit and purpose if you love Jesus and he does not. If he’s not dedicated to a church, he doesn’t love Jesus. Christ is the Head of the Church – are you going to tell Jesus that you love his Head but you don’t love His Body? He might have a commitment problem, which is why he wants to live with you but not marry you. If you think he’s really committed to you, go home and tell him you’re not going to have sex with him for six months to focus on the relationship and see how long he sticks around. Beware of the guy you consistently have to make excuses for. That is not who Jesus wants you to be with.
SINGLE GUYS: men need to learn how to fall in love with Jesus and STAY in love with Jesus over and over and over again. Then and only then will you be committed to a woman you said you’d be committed to.
Love me so Perry Noble teaching. Thanks for sharing, Jenni! I'll have to see if I can check out the Beautiful series; you've intrigued me!