Monday, November 29, 2010

Church and Thanksgiving Saturday

The Church in Udine put on a Thanksgiving dinner on Saturday as an outreach.
Italians are curious about Thanksgiving.
A few people from the church shared their testimonies. 

In my Bible reading, I recently read: Acts 2.46b says "They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts."

As I looked around the room, I realized it was probably something like this.
Italians know that the dinner table is a place of great food and conversation.

Good food:

These are my friends. They are beautiful women... and so much fun. Our favorite pasttime: karaoke. haha...

Lucy's sister Franca came with me and brought her family. Love them! Andrea, Ugo, Franca, and Paolo.

I am thankful for THANKSGIVING SATURDAY with my beautiful Italian family and friends.

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